Steve McCabe MP: My mitral repair story

Published On: 11 September 2020Categories: Mitral Valve, Patient StoriesTags:

Birmingham MP, Steve McCabe was diagnosed with heart valve disease twelve years ago. As with many heart valve disease patients he had not experienced any obvious symptoms.

His GP detected a heart murmur during a routine check-up. It came as a bit of a shock as he was fit and healthy. He later underwent treatment at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

“If not treated it can be very serious. It is vital that people are better educated on the condition and are aware of the symptoms, particularly those that aren’t so obvious like feeling tired  to ensure more lives are saved.

As someone who has experienced heart valve disease, I know first-hand the importance of receiving timely treatment and how this can return people to a good quality of life, so it is important that this can be provided across the whole country. I am living proof that, with early diagnosis and proper treatment, these conditions aren’t debilitating.

Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week is a great initiative to help spread much needed awareness about a potentially deadly disease. With many people still unable to physically see their GPs and knowing that early diagnosis can be achieved simply by listening to the heart with a stethoscope; its important that older people make the most of the next time with their GP. Calling for annual stethoscopes for the over 60s who are at greatest risk could really help save lives.”

“Everybody at Heart Valve Voice is grateful of Steve McCabe’s involvment in the charity. The support he’s shown by; chairing the Heart Valve Disease APPG (All Party Political Group), hosting the photography competition in the Houses of Parliament, numerous media opportunities to bring awareness of the signs & symptoms of heart valve disease to the general public, has meant more people are receiving the right treatment at the right time. ” Wil Woan.

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