Welcome to Heart Valve Voice

The UK’s dedicated heart valve disease charity

Heart Valve Voice is a collection of people affected by heart valve disease, including patients, carers, family members, clinical experts, cardiac societies, industry supporters and policymakers.

Improving diagnosis and treatment of heart valve disease in the UK

Heart valve disease affects over 1.5 million people over the age of 65 in the UK and while there have been many advancements in the treatment of this disease the unfortunate fact is that far too many people are not being diagnosed and treated early enough.

Our aim is to ensure that more of the population is aware of the importance of having their heart checked for heart valve disease, which can often be detected through a simple stethoscope check. With increased awareness we hope to see many more heart valve disease patients get the treatment they need to go on to live full and happy lives.

Heart valve disease: it’s common, it’s serious, but it’s treatable

Symptom Tracker

The tracker has been developed to help people  suffering from heart valve disease to capture the progress of their symptoms ahead of visiting their healthcare professional.

Virtual Appointment Guide

The guide was created to patients get the most out of virtual appointments and foster the same comfort and confidence of in-person appointments.

Join Our Online Community

Head over to our Health Unlocked page and join our supportive online community. Connect with other heart valve disease patients and use your experience to help others.

Latest News and Patient Stories

Support Our Cause

Support Heart Valve Voice and help us continue our vital work in combating heart valve disease. Your contribution enables us to provide essential resources, raise awareness, and advocate for early diagnosis and treatment. Every donation helps us save lives, offering patients a better chance at a healthier future. Together, we can ensure that everyone affected by heart valve disease receives the care and support they need. Donate today and be a part of our life-saving mission.

Have you or a loved one been affected by Heart Valve Disease?

You are not alone. Join our large online community and connect with others who are affected by Heart Valve Disease. And if you need guidance on how to access support, contact our Team.

You may also find our Patient Stories helpful and inspiring.