Open Heart Surgery

2507, 2024

Jacqueline Lewis’ Heart Valve Disease Story

25 July 2024|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

In 2022, retired healthcare professional Jacqueline Lewis began to feel breathless and pain in her chest. After having her symptoms dismissed as mental health issues, Jacquline was eventually diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis and needed urgent treatment. This is her valve disease story:  “I think I first started to notice something was up when my mum was in hospital around Christmas 2022. I remember getting out of breath when walking up and down the hospital corridors, and I just felt a bit different. I thought it was the stress of everything that was going on. I’ve always been asthmatic, and [...]

105, 2024

Joanne Woodhead’s Aortic Stenosis Story

1 May 2024|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In 2021, Joanne Woodhead began experiencing lightheadedness during exercise. After consulting her GP, she was referred for an echo and found to have severe aortic stenosis, bringing Joanne face-to-face with her fear of hospitals. With the support of her family, friends, heart team, and a clinical psychologist, Joanne was able to conquer her fear and undergo life-saving treatment. This is Joanne’s story. “My symptoms first started to show themselves when I was exercising. I’d been running regularly for a few years before the heart diagnosis. I decided to do the Fit for 50, and after doing boot camps I was always trying [...]

106, 2022

Morgan’s Aortic Stenosis Story

1 June 2022|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

In January this year, while at an appointment with her GP, 63-year-old Morgan, mentioned she had started becoming breathless and had a sharp pain in her chest while walking up an incline. Recognising these were symptoms of a potential heart condition, her GP listened to her heart and heard a murmur. Just weeks later, Morgan was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis, requiring an urgent, lifesaving intervention. This is her heart valve disease story: “My story started in January this year when I went to the GP for an unrelated health issue. At the end of the appointment, she asked if [...]

605, 2022

Joe Munro’s Heart Valve Disease Story

6 May 2022|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

At the beginning of 2021, Fireman, Joe Munro, had just set himself a challenge to run 5 kilometres every day. Then, after feeling unwell at work one day, his GP listened to his heart and heard a murmur. A subsequent echo found he had severe aortic stenosis, and required urgent intervention. Now, just a year later, he is back at work with his watch, fighting fires and saving lives. This is his heart valve disease story: "My heart valve disease story is a bit of a strange one because prior to being diagnosed I was very fit. I did the [...]

1503, 2022

Julia’s Aortic Stenosis Story

15 March 2022|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In February 2019, Julia was recovering from a viral infection and feeling run down and tired. After her GP listened to her heart with a stethoscope, they discovered she had a significant murmur and a subsequent echo found she had severe aortic stenosis with a bicuspid valve. This is her valve disease story.  "My heart valve disease story started in 2019 when I had a viral infection. After it had passed, I noticed I was left with quite a lot of lethargy and continuous cough. I went to the doctor a few times with it, and on one visit, the [...]

1808, 2021

Phillip Warlow’s Aortic Stenosis Story

18 August 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

After beginning to feel breathless in 2018, Phillip Warlow was diagnosed with aortic stenosis in April 2019. With his condition deteriorating, Phillip required early intervention and received a tissue valve at Morriston Hospital, Swansea. Since being treated, Phillip is back enjoying life with his grandson, welcomed a new granddaughter into the world and now supports Heart Valve Voice to raise awareness of the disease. This is his story: "My story began in early 2018 when I found that if I walked any distance I was experiencing shortness of breath. In truth, I never really took much notice as when I [...]

2807, 2021

Christian Nielsen’s Aortic Valve Story

28 July 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In May 2021 Christian Nielsen's murmur was detected at a routine medical check up for a visa application. After just welcoming their second child into the world, Christian's life was turned on it's head, and after receiving further tests it was found that he required urgent surgical intervention. With the support of his family, his medical team, and Heart Valve Voice, Christian faced the challenge head on, and is now recovering at home with his family. This is his story: "It was a beautiful sunny day, 6th May 2021, when I biked to a routine medical check for a visa [...]

1105, 2021

Sandra McGonigle’s Aortic Stenosis Story

11 May 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

In April 2020, nurse Sandra McGonigle was diagnosed with aortic stenosis with a bicuspid valve. After her health deteriorated, she was rushed through for surgery in February 2021, where she had open-heart surgery to replace her valve. This is her valve disease story: "I found out I had heart valve disease last April. I had some chest pain in December 2019, and I think at the time I put it down to the stress of Christmas and work - and having bitten off a bit more than I could chew. I went to the doctor, who heard a murmur and [...]

2602, 2021

Maisie Weir’s Heart Valve Disease Story

26 February 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

During the first national lockdown in 2020, Maisie Weir noticed herself getting breathless while walking in the Yorkshire hills with her friend. After being urged to see her doctor by her friend and her husband, Iain, Maisie was diagnosed with severe aortic valve stenosis and told she required urgent intervention. In January 2021, and despite the pressures COVID placed on the health service, Maisie received her life-saving treatment. This is her story: "My story started in February of last year when my entire family were really unwell. I had this constant, dry cough after, and it never really went away. [...]

1202, 2021

Jonathan Toms: My COVID-19 Valve Disease Story

12 February 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In 2020, during the first national lockdown, Jonathan Toms, 44, began to feel out of breath while out walking with his friend. Just a few months later, Jonathan was struggling to tie his shoe laces and, after a trip to A&E, was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Thanks to the Mr Bahrami, the team at Royal Brompton and his wife, Julie, and two sons, Charlie and Alfie, Jonathan received his life saving valve disease treatment and is now on the road to recovery. This is his story: "My story started last year during the first lockdown when I noticed I was [...]

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