The experience of undergoing treatment for heart valve disease can be scary. Heart Valve Voice Patient Advocate, Livvy Gosney, documented her journey from the days before to her recovery, which you can watch on the video below.

Livvy talks about the varied emotions at different stages in her journey, and highlights the different things that can scare people and the different ways people prepare for this. There is no right or wrong way of doing it. If you need support, contact your Heart Team or email and a member of the team can answer any question you may have.

The best thing you can do is prepare yourself, your family and your home for the time after treatment.

For more information for support family members click here

Many patients find Mindfulness is of great help during their recovery, and Katie Sheen from Soul Nutrition has developed a Mindfulness series that focusses specifically on supporting people during hospital treatment. Inspired by her experience being treated for Cancer, you can watch some of her videos for free on Heart Valve Voice’s YouTube channel here.