
News and Blog


2609, 2024

Wil’s Blog – Looking Back at International Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week 2024

26 September 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

As I reflect on last week’s International Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week, I am both humbled and inspired by what we have achieved together. Our collective passion for raising awareness of heart valve disease shone through in every aspect of this year’s campaign, and the results have been nothing short of extraordinary. One of the key milestones for Heart Valve Voice was the announcement of our new Women’s Clinical Advisory Group. This initiative will tackle the pressing issue of gender disparities in heart valve disease diagnosis and treatment. By ensuring that women’s voices are better heard, we are confident this [...]

1709, 2024

Announcing the Women’s Clinical Advisory Group for Heart Valve Voice

17 September 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

As a female interventional cardiologist working to improve the lives of patients with heart valve disease, I am thrilled to announce the formation of the Women's Clinical Advisory Group for Heart Valve Voice. This pioneering initiative is set to revolutionise the way we approach heart valve disease care for women across the UK. Our group’s mission is to address the critical issues of under-diagnosis and under-treatment of women with heart valve disease, and to ensure that women receive the care they deserve. Heart valve disease is a significant health issue, affecting millions of people in the UK. However, research consistently [...]

708, 2024

Neil Johnson: Ageism and Outcomes for Heart Valve Disease

7 August 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

When it comes to cardiovascular health, ageism appears to present a significant barrier to the diagnosis and treatment of heart valve disease among older adults. Despite the substantial contribution this demographic makes to society, they are often overlooked or dismissed when presenting in primary care settings with symptoms commonly associated with ageing. Studies suggest that primary care providers sometimes fail to recognise or adequately investigate these symptoms in older adults from a cardiac perspective, often dismissing them as purely part of the ageing process and thus leading to missed or delayed diagnoses of valve disease. This oversight can not only [...]

1005, 2024

Dr Yassir Javaid: Recognising and Addressing Symptoms of Heart Valve Disease

10 May 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

As a clinician who works across primary and secondary care, I've encountered countless patients whose lives have been significantly impacted by heart valve disease. Recognising the symptoms early on and seeking timely medical attention can make a huge impact in managing this condition effectively and ensuring optimal outcomes. It is essential we empower people with the knowledge and tools to recognise symptoms, communicate effectively with their GP, and take proactive steps towards diagnosis and timely treatment. Recognising Symptoms Heart valve disease can manifest in various ways, often depending on the specific valve affected and the severity of the condition. However, [...]

2504, 2024

Dr Madalina Garbi: ‘Guidelines developed for patients with patients’

25 April 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

In England, clinical guidelines are developed by an independent non-departmental public body, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE appoints an independent advisory committee for the guidelines, comprising healthcare professionals as well as lay representatives with lived experience, assisted by teams whose work covers evidence review and support, health economic evaluation, guideline recommendation development and quality assurance. Registered stakeholders with an interest in the guideline topic, or representing people whose practice or care may be affected by the guideline, are consulted on the draft guidelines. NICE guidelines help health professionals deliver the best possible care in the [...]

1904, 2024

Angie Martin: ‘Putting Patients at the Heart of the Guidelines’

19 April 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

I was approached by Heart Valve Voice to participate in the NICE Guideline consultation after sharing my heart valve disease story. After my story was first published, I spoke with the team and was keen to get involved in helping support other patients living with valve disease and use my experience to give back, so when they contacted me to say I could help shape guidelines, I was more than happy to get involved and contribute.  Before the consultation, I worked with the team to understand what parts of my story would be valuable and how I could help support [...]

1204, 2024

Wil’s Blog – 25 Years of NICE

12 April 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

As we mark 25 years of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the impact of its Guideline for ‘Heart valve disease presenting in adults: investigation and management’ published in 2021. Heart Valve Voice’s journey to the final guideline started in 2016 in the Churchill Rooms in Westminster. We were there to launch our Heart Healthy Future report. The then National Clinical Director for Heart Disease, Professor Huon Gray, attended the event. That day, Professor Gray told me that he had instructed NICE to look at the guidelines for [...]

1403, 2024

Dr Clare Appleby: Addressing the Gendered Image of Cardiovascular Disease: A Call for Awareness and Action

14 March 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

In the realm of healthcare, the perception of cardiovascular disease (CVD) often conjures images of middle-aged men clutching their chests. However, this image overlooks a critical reality: women are equally susceptible to cardiovascular disease, yet their symptoms are often under-investigated, under-diagnosed and under-treated in comparison. As a society, it is imperative to dispel the gendered myths shrouding CVD and recognise the profound impact they have on women's health outcomes. In the United Kingdom, CVD remains the leading cause of mortality among women, claiming the lives of approximately 28,000 women annually. Statistics reveal that women are more likely to die within the [...]

1402, 2024

Professor Huon Gray CBE: A Decade of Progress in Tackling Heart Valve Disease

14 February 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

As a ‘mostly retired’ Cardiologist, I find myself reflecting on heart valve disease (HVD) and the changes related to it that have occurred over the past decade. Whilst well recognised by specialists for many decades, levels of awareness of HVD in the general population has been low, with detection and diagnosis often occurring late, making treatment less effective. However, I am pleased to see that awareness of these conditions is at last improving, and there is the prospect of more people who are currently undetected being diagnosed and referred for specialist care. There is still a long way to go, [...]

702, 2024

Wil’s Heart Month Blog – Fostering a Cultural Shift Towards Prioritising Cardiovascular Health

7 February 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

Heart disease claims millions of lives each year around the world, and the impact on individuals, families, and communities is immeasurable. Heart Month shines a spotlight on heart disease, and looks at how we can promote awareness of the disease and save lives in the future. While heart valve disease is a serious condition, it is treatable - and better symptom awareness brings earlier detection and better outcomes. Raising awareness is the cornerstone of our efforts to empower individuals with knowledge, encouraging proactive steps towards owning their heart health. Awareness is not just about knowing the statistics; it's about fostering [...]

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