Heart Valve Voice News

13 April 2022

This year marks 20 years since the first clinical TAVI procedure was performed by Alain Cribbier, and to celebrate this historic milestone, Heart Valve Voice will be sharing 20 TAVI stories throughout the year, one for every year this pioneering procedure has been performed.

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30 March 2022

Heart Valve Voice is delighted to launch our Health Unlocked Online Community. This online community is a space where patients can share their experiences, ask questions and find information and support to help them navigate their pathway.

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25 March 2022

Heart Valve Voice is pleased to announce the launch of our 2022 Photography Competition, ‘Photos from the Heart.’ This competition is an opportunity for anyone affected by heart valve disease to share pictures of what heart valve disease treatment means to them, and help us raise awareness of this common, serious, but treatable condition.

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10 March 2022

In February 2019, Julia was recovering from a viral infection and feeling run down and tired. After her GP listened to her heart with a stethoscope, they discovered she had a significant murmur and a subsequent echo found she had severe aortic stenosis with a bicuspid valve. This is her valve disease story.

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08 March 2022

This year, as part of International Women's Day 2022, we asked our patient advocate, Livvy Gosney, for her thoughts on the unique challenges women face while undergoing heart valve disease treatment. Here is what she said:

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10 February 2022

In December 2020, the Heart Valve Voice team put together our strategy for 2021 and discussed ways to help raise awareness of valve disease. In our discussions, we spoke about how people had come together to support one another during the pandemic, help people they didn’t know, and make sacrifices that would save the lives of people they probably would never meet. The way our communities came together was the inspiration behind our 100,000 Conversations campaign. 

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