HHaving chest pain? Are you suffering from chest pain, dizziness or experiencing palpitations?

EExercise difficulties – are you finding it difficult to exercise and move around easily?

AAge – are you feeling older than your age?

RRespiratory difficulties – are you feeling short of breath?

TTiredness – are you suffering from excessive tiredness or fatigue?

If you are worried that you may be suffering from heart valve disease, please go see your GP. Some patients have no clear symptoms so a check-up is necessary. Whereas others may suffer from shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or pain, fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness, fainting and difficulty exercising. It is important to diagnose heart valve disease as soon as possible in order to treat the disease successfully.

The downloadable resources available on this page have been designed to help you prepare for your visit to your GP and ensure you get the most efficient and helpful consultation possible.

Consultation Guide

Our Consultation Guide will provide you with information on heart valve disease and outlines the type of questions your doctor may ask you during a consultation about potential heart valve disease. It also provides you with useful hints and tips on how to prepare for the consultation and gives you suggestions as to the most useful questions you should ask your doctor.

Symptoms Tracker

Our Symptoms Tracker has been developed to help people, who think they may be suffering from heart valve disease, to capture their symptoms ahead of visiting their healthcare professional (HCP). These symptoms may include shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or pain, fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness, fainting and difficulty exercising.

Tips for family, friends and carers

Tips for Family, Friends and Carers.

Often, before treatment, their mind will be anxious and pre-occupied with thoughts of the actual procedure. It is essential that you look beyond this, and plan for their recovery pathway. Speak with your family, and explain what activities they might need help with.