21 August 2020

In December 2018, 33 year old Support Worker at Autism Together, Jeanine Jones was celebrating the birth of her first daughter, Phoebe. Flash forward four months and she was being raced across Liverpool to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital with her heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and brain starting to fail. There, she received her life saving double valve replacement.

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11 August 2020

Today, Heart Valve Voice launch our Virtual Appointment Guide for valve disease patients. The guide was created in response to the reduction of in-person services due to COVID-19 and will help foster the same comfort and confidence patients feel when they meet their clinician.

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07 August 2020

Gary Russel is a 52-year-old Civil Servant from London. After being diagnosed with heart valve disease in his twenties at a medical to join the Police Force, his valve disease story went on for two decades before he was treated in 2013.

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09 July 2020

While the outbreak of COVID-19 has placed unprecedented pressure on the NHS, Public Health England's admissions data points towards a concerning trend of people avoiding hospitals out of fear of contracting COVID-19. While concerns around COVID-19 are understandable, by not receiving urgent treatments, patients may be putting their lives at risk.

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20 June 2020

83-year-old retired office worker, Jessie Moss, was treated for severe aortic stenosis at the very height of the COVID-19 outbreak. Thanks to Professor Newby and the team in Edinburgh, and with the help of minimally invasive treatment, Jessie was able to receive the treatment she urgently required, and can now focus on her recovery and getting back out on the bowls green. Here, is her story:

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17 June 2020

At the very height of the COVID-19 outbreak, retired postman and hospital worker, Lewis Benn, was awaiting treatment for severe aortic stenosis. Having been told he would have to wait till September, Lewis feared for his life, but thanks to the excellent work of Dr Dan Blackman and the team at Leeds General Infirmary, Lewis was admitted, treated and discharged over the course of just 3 days. Here, is his story.

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10 June 2020

​In response to the outbreak of Covid-19 NHS hospitals across the country suspended non-urgent elective surgeries in a bid to manage the strain placed on hospitals in controlling the virus. As Trusts look to manage non-Covid-19 related critical services, NHS hospitals and the private sector are working together to attempt to increase treatment capacities.

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08 June 2020

​At the very height of the COVID-19 outbreak former military man and lifelong adventurer, Jim Gibson was admitted to hospital with decompensated heart failure. Despite the pressures exerted on our NHS by COVID-19, and thanks to the work Dr Robert Smith and his team at Harefield Hospital, Jim was able to receive an innovative treatment that clips the mitral valve, and in a few short days was discharged home to be with his loving family.

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04 June 2020

The journey from diagnosis to treatment of heart valve disease provides a mental health challenge as much as a physical one. It is, therefore, essential that those affected by heart valve disease focus on the psychological aspects of their journey.

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08 May 2020

​Elizabeth Slough is a retired member of Brighton's Alzheimer's Society, where she worked in the Carer's Support Department. Liz is an outgoing personality, a dedicated volunteer and a brilliant advert for the power of positive ageing. She has two married stepdaughters and a sister, who shared her heart valve disease story with her. Here is Liz's story.

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