Heart Valve Voice News

23 October 2020

Angie's valve disease story started when she was a small girl after she was born with a hole in her heart. Fast forward 40 years and Angie's leaky valve began to deteriorate. After being told she needed an operation, a pandemic stopped the world in its tracks. However, despite the pressures on the health service, thanks to the brilliant work of the team at Harefield, Angie was able to receive her life-saving treatment.

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19 October 2020

Across the country, COVID-19 infections continue to rise, and as the infection rates rise, so too do hospital admissions and, sadly, deaths. As we move forward in this second wave of COVID-19 response, we must learn from the first wave. For most people suffering from heart valve disease, the consequences of not being treated far outweigh the risk of contracting COVID-19 whilst in hospital. Therefore, the first lesson we should take from the first wave is to continue to treat heart valve disease patients in a timely and safe way. 

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16 October 2020

Heart Valve Voice’s Gold Standard sets out specific recommendations for multidisciplinary teams (MDTs). One of the impacts of COVID-19 has been the move from in-person MDT's to a virtual format. These new virtual MDTs are a step in the right direction, as this more agile approach will allow for faster decision making, and with more input from external services.

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11 September 2020

Birmingham MP, Steve McCabe was diagnosed with heart valve disease eight years ago. As with many heart valve disease patients he had not experienced any obvious symptoms.

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21 August 2020

In December 2018, 33 year old Support Worker at Autism Together, Jeanine Jones was celebrating the birth of her first daughter, Phoebe. Flash forward four months and she was being raced across Liverpool to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital with her heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and brain starting to fail. There, she received her life saving double valve replacement.

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20 August 2020

Consultant cardiologist Bernard Prendergast and patient David Eaton come together to chat about endocarditis

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