10 June 2020

​In response to the outbreak of Covid-19 NHS hospitals across the country suspended non-urgent elective surgeries in a bid to manage the strain placed on hospitals in controlling the virus. As Trusts look to manage non-Covid-19 related critical services, NHS hospitals and the private sector are working together to attempt to increase treatment capacities.

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29 April 2020

As Chair of the Valve Council at Global Heart Hub, I thought it important for me to say a few words in response to their recent survey of patients and patient organisations.

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18 April 2020

Dental Surgeon, Ian Wintrip, was diagnosed with severe heart valve disease (aortic stenosis) late last year. A keen cyclist, Ian had noticed he was running out of steam early on the bike, but put it down to signs of ageing and learned to live with the new capabilities. Eventually, though, he knew something was up and went to see his GP.

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10 February 2020

On the 10th of February Heart Valve Voice is holding a patient engagement day in our Manchester offices. We invited members of the Patient Action Group to join us to discuss our pledges and actions for 2020 and how we can represent our patients most effectively.

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27 January 2020

In response to research published in the British Medical Journal Heart Valve Voice would like to emphasise our commitment to transparency when it comes to donations from industry.

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13 November 2019

Heart Valve Voice has joined forces with PCR London Valve to celebrate their Five year anniversary and have launched their Five Years On Report

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02 June 2019

Wil Woan, Heart Valve Voice UK CEO has taken a lead role at the Global Heart Hub to improve heart valve disease awareness on global scale.

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04 September 2018

​Ahead of the first ever European Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day the European partner organisations involved will be presenting their European Heart Valve Disease Partnership Manifesto outlining the the core calls to action of the initiative.

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24 July 2018

Mark Blatchly, Deputy Head Teacher and amateur athlete, lived a well-balanced, varied life with a healthy mix of career, family and marathon kayaking, until a shock discovery threatened to capsize everything. After decades of teaching others, he found himself learning the biggest lessons of his life: how to survive a terminal cancer prognosis, then heart valve disease.

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