All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease
The latest updates for the APPG:
APPG Statement on NICE Guideline Publication
Statement by Steve McCabe MP, Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Heart Valve Disease: "I am delighted to see that NICE has today published its long-awaited guidelines on the investigation [...]
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease report into detection and care of those with heart valve disease in the UK
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease (APPG) is pleased to publish our report on the detection and care of those with heart valve disease in the UK. The [...]
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease Second Oral Evidence Session
A summary of the second evidence session held by the APPG. In this session, patient engagement experts and industry professional were invited to talk to the APPG about their experience [...]
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease First Oral Evidence Session
A summary of the first evidence session held by the APPG. In this session, senior healthcare professionals and treated and untreated patients were invited to talk to the APPG about [...]
Formation of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Heart Valve Disease
Heart Valve Voice are delighted to announce the formation of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Heart Valve Disease, which Heart Valve Voice will be acting as secretariat for. All-Party Parliamentary [...]
Steve McCabe MP: My mitral repair story
Birmingham MP, Steve McCabe was diagnosed with heart valve disease twelve years ago. As with many heart valve disease patients he had not experienced any obvious symptoms. His GP detected [...]