2302, 2024

John Wolfenden’s TAVI Story

23 February 2024|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

In 2020, John Wolfenden started to get increasingly breathless when walking, but it wasn't until a family emergency that John sought help with his symptoms. John's GP listened to his heart and heard a murmur, and just months later, John was being treated for aortic stenosis. This is his story. My GP diagnosed a fluttering aortic valve in 2020 after listening to [...]

1512, 2023

Brenda Walker – 12 Years On

15 December 2023|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

In 2011, Brenda Walker was treated for severe aortic stenosis. Now, at nearly 90 years old, Brenda reflects on all that she has achieved since her life-saving treatment, and her work as an advocate for heart valve disease patents around the world. 12 years ago, we lived in Leicestershire and I was in the middle of studying for a PhD [...]

2306, 2022

Patricia Walker’s TAVI Story

23 June 2022|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

In 2021, 85-year-old, Patricia, began feeling breathless while out walking, but was hiding the symptoms from her loved ones. Knowing something was up, she went to the doctor and further investigation found she had aortic stenosis. Now, thanks to the brilliant team at Leeds Teaching Hospital, she has a "new life" - and is enjoying every minute of it. This [...]

1404, 2022

Mary Kernick’s Heart Valve Disease Story

14 April 2022|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

This year, to mark the 20th Anniversary of the first TAVI we will be sharing twenty TAVI stories - one for every year the procedure has been being performed. 85-year-old, Mary Kernick, was diagnosed with heart valve disease while having checks for suspected gall stones. After discussions with her clinician, they decided a TAVI was the best treatment option for [...]

1305, 2021

Martyn O’Connors Covid-19 Valve Disease Story

13 May 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

Martyn O'Connor first had valve disease surgery to replace his aortic valve 11 years ago. After his valve began to deteriorate, urgent intervention was required, and thanks to the excellent team at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, he was able to receive his life-saving treatment, and was discharged in a matter of days. This is his valve disease story: "This part of [...]

907, 2020

Peter Cobley: My COVID19 Story

9 July 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

While the outbreak of COVID-19 has placed unprecedented pressure on the NHS, Public Health England's admissions data points towards a concerning trend of people avoiding hospitals out of fear of contracting COVID-19. While concerns around COVID-19 are understandable, by not receiving urgent treatments, patients may be putting their lives at risk. Peter Cobley was treated by the team at Kings [...]

2106, 2020

Lewis Benn: My COVID19 Story

21 June 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

At the very height of the COVID-19 outbreak, retired postman and hospital worker, Lewis Benn, was awaiting treatment for severe aortic stenosis. Having been told he would have to wait till September, Lewis feared for his life, but thanks to the excellent work of Dr Dan Blackman and the team at Leeds General Infirmary, Lewis was admitted, treated and discharged [...]

2006, 2020

Jessie Moss: My COVID19 Story

20 June 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

83-year-old retired office worker, Jessie Moss, was treated for severe aortic stenosis at the very height of the COVID-19 outbreak. Thanks to Professor Newby and the team in Edinburgh, and with the help of minimally invasive treatment, Jessie was able to receive the treatment she urgently required, and can now focus on her recovery and getting back out on the [...]

2804, 2020

George Clague: My treatment during the COVID19 crisis story

28 April 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

At the very height of the country’s response to the COVID19 outbreak, George became unwell and was rushed to hospital unaware that the heart valve disease symptoms he was suffering were life-threatening. Retired factory worker George Clague has lived in the beautiful shadow of the Lake District for his entire life. In his youth, he would spend his time camping [...]

1804, 2020

Ian Wintrip: My Aortic Stenosis Story

18 April 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

Dental Surgeon, Ian Wintrip, was diagnosed with severe heart valve disease (aortic stenosis) late last year. A keen cyclist, Ian had noticed he was running out of steam early on the bike, but put it down to signs of ageing and learned to live with the new capabilities. Eventually, though, he knew something was up and went to see his [...]

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