All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease report into detection and care of those with heart valve disease in the UK

Published On: 22 July 2021Categories: NewsTags:

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Heart Valve Disease (APPG) is pleased to publish our report on the detection and care of those with heart valve disease in the UK. The information contained in this report was gathered through two oral evidence sessions with patient representatives, health care professionals, charities, patient organisations and industry experts, and a written call for evidence issued on behalf of the members of the APPGHVD.

Click here to read the report.

In light of the impact of COVID-19 and the anticipated publication of NICE’s draft Clinical Guideline on the investigation and management of HVD presenting in adults, 6 the APPG felt now was a good time to consider how patients are currently being treated and what needs to be done to deliver optimal care both now and in the future.

The report is centred around four key themes covering the whole patient pathway. These themes included:

  • i)  detection, assessment and diagnosis;
  • ii)  treatment, and how it can be improved;
  • iii)  patient surveillance; and
  • iv)  the information and support that patients receive.

The APPGHVD has published a series of recommendations to be considered by policymakers and clinicians from the evidence gathered. These recommendations detail what needs to be done to deliver optimal care, improve the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of heart valve disease in the UK and improve the patient experience.

Click here for a summary of these recommendations.

APPGHVD, Chair Steve McCabe MP said, “We are extremely grateful to all those who have submitted written evidence to the APPG, as well as our members and the representatives from the HVD community who presented their thoughts at our two oral evidence sessions. This report sets out our findings and makes recommendations on how the NHS can deliver the best possible care to HVD patients once it begins its recovery from the pandemic.

Thank you once again to all involved in this important inquiry and to my colleagues on the APPGHVD for their ongoing support and commitment to improving outcomes for patients with this condition.”

Untreated Patient Phill Read on the Impact of Contacting Your MP
Angie's Blog on Sharing her Story with the APPG for Heart Valve Disease

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