Advocacy – Supporting The Heart Valve Disease Cause

There are many ways you can support us at heart valve voice.

From a simple conversation with a friend or family member to attending Parliament to speak to policymakers about the future of heart valve disease care.

Here are a few ways you can support us.

Become an advocate 

Advocates are the lifeblood of our charity. Whether you’re a patient, family member, healthcare professional or industry professional, you can support our messages at events, discussions, in the media and online. The simplest way you can be an advocate for Heart Valve Voice is to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and share our messages. Click here to find out more

Join our Patient Advocate Network

Our Patient Advocates are at the heart of all that we do. Their involvement in our projects ensures everything we do is patient-led. Whether it’s joining a project, a discussion, or attending an event, get involved with our patient network and help us use your experiences to improve the lives of others. Click here to find out more


We hold events across the country all through the year where those with lived experience of valve disease come and talk with others affected by valve disease, clinicians and members of the public. These events are about raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of heart valve disease.


As a charity, we depend on donations and grants to continue the work that we do. While fundraising is hugely appreciated, as our Patient Advocate Ian Berry said after he completed his 25 for 25 challenge, “Raising money is great, but what we’re really doing is raising awareness of the heart valve disease. That’s what is most important.” 

“Getting involved couldn’t be easier. Heart Valve Voice offers a range of volunteer roles. Simply adding your voice to an awareness campaign is a great way to start. If you have the time and want to do more, you can attend fundraising or awareness-raising events, which allow you to help the cause but also have a bit of fun at the same time.”

Neil Betteridge