CEO of Heart Valve Voice UK to chair Global Patient Council on Heart Valve Disease

Published On: 2 June 2019Categories: News

Wil Woan, Heart Valve Voice UK CEO has taken a lead role at the Global Heart Hub to improve heart valve disease awareness on global scale.

The Global Heart Hub aims to create a united global voice for patients & carers affected by cardiovascular diseases. Wil will chair a new patient council affiliated to the Hub which is formed to help patient organisations lead change on improving awareness and treatment across the globe.

Wil was pivotal in bringing together partners from across Europe through the European Alliance on HVD. He now brings these partners together with others from across the globe to form the Global Council on Heart Valve Disease. This council aims to co-ordinate work on raising awareness of disease, understanding poor treatment across different nations and investigate ways that the treatment pathway can be improved.

Over the past three years Wil has led a European movement to raise awareness of heart valve disease which includes the development and launch of a European Manifesto (Link) on heart valve disease and co-ordinating the first ever European Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day in September 2018. (Link)

Wil said, “I am excited that partners from the across the globe will come together through the new patient council. By working together through the Global Heart Hub we will strengthen our voice, reach more patients and improve treatment. I’m looking forward to leading this group over the next two years and developing its membership and strategic vision.”

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