Patient Engagement Day

Published On: 10 February 2020Categories: News

On the 10th of February, Heart Valve Voice is holding a patient engagement day in our Manchester offices. We invited members of the Patient Action Group to join us to discuss our pledges and actions for 2020 and how we can represent our patients most effectively.

The aim of the day is to gain feedback from patients about their role in Heart Valve Voice as an advocate and part of the Patient Action Group. The Patient Action Group is an advisory board made up of patients that give advice and feedback to our patient trustees. The group is made of dedicated advocates who contribute many hours throughout the year as volunteers.

“As a joint member of PAG and the trustee board, it’s great seeing the feedback given today and how Heart Valve Voice is empowering patients to add their voice in shaping the charity” Pat Khan, Trustee and PAG member.

Our guests were asked to help Heart Valve Voice define what it means to work with the charity and how we can support them in creating more awareness. Heart Valve Voice presented our patient centred work programme for 2020 and discussed how our advocates contribute and get involved in promoting Heart Valve Voice.

“This day is great opportunity for patients to come together and learn more about Heart Valve Voice,” said Wil. “Hearing their feedback and suggestions of what Heart Valve Voice can do has been insightful. Having the patients’ voice has been impactful part of the charity since its foundation and has helped us make significant changes to policies in our first five years.”

Click here to see the video.

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