Heart Valve Voice News

26 February 2021

During the first national lockdown in 2020, Maisie Weir noticed herself getting breathless while walking in the Yorkshire hills with her friend. After being urged to see her doctor by her friend and her husband, Iain, Maisie was diagnosed with severe aortic valve stenosis and told she required urgent intervention. In January 2021, and despite the pressures COVID placed on the health service, Maisie received her life-saving treatment.

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12 February 2021

In 2020, during the first national lockdown, Jonathan Toms, 44, began to feel out of breath while out walking with his friend. Just a few months later, Jonathan was struggling to tie his shoe laces and, after a trip to A&E, was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Thanks to the Mr Bahrami, the team at Royal Brompton and his wife, Julie, and two sons, Charlie and Alfie, Jonathan received his life saving valve disease treatment and is now on the road to recovery.

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05 February 2021

Phill Read, 43, was diagnosed with moderate mitral valve disease in February 2020. A Partnerships Manager for an over 60s property specialist and an avid cyclist, Phill and his wife Sacha have researched different treatment options and discussed them with his clinician to ensure they make the right decision for themselves, their children Cameron, 22, Yasmin, 18, Sadie, 8, and, of course, the family dog, Harry.

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29 January 2021

In 2019, 57-year-old Derrick Johns found out he had a heart murmur. After further tests, he was diagnosed with aortic stenosis with a bicuspid aortic valve. A keen cyclist, Derrick had experienced no symptoms. However, his valve disease began to deteriorate, and he required urgent intervention. Despite the pressure COVID-19 has placed on the health service and delays to his surgery, Derrick received has now recieved life-saving treatment and is now looking forward to the rest of his life.

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21 January 2021

After experiencing a heart emergency late night one, Joyce called an ambulance and was rushed to hospital where she was diagnosed with heart failure and severe mitral valve regurgitation. Joyce was rushed to Harefield Hospital, where Dr Rob Smith used an innovative treatment which clips the mitral valve, saving her life and getting her back to her beloved husband Jim. This is Joyce's story.

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18 December 2020

Heart Valve Voice is pleased to announce that former Clinical Director for Heart Disease for NHS England, Professor Huon Gray, has joined our team in an advisory role and has agreed to act as Chair of the new Heart Valve Voice Clinical Advisory Panel.

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