Heart Valve Voice News

19 May 2020

In my last blog, I discussed the importance of capturing key learnings from Phase 1 of NHS England's COVID-19 response and looked at ways in which we could use these learnings to support us in delivering the NHS Long Term Plan.

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07 May 2020

On April 16th we released a statement which mapped out our response to the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on cardiovascular disease, and we believe that now is the right time for us to begin to look forward and map a strategic direction for the next phase of our response.  

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29 April 2020

As Chair of the Valve Council at Global Heart Hub, I thought it important for me to say a few words in response to their recent survey of patients and patient organisations.

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28 April 2020

At the very height of the country’s response to the COVID19 outbreak, George became unwell and was rushed to hospital unaware that the heart valve disease symptoms he was suffering were life-threatening.

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18 April 2020

Dental Surgeon, Ian Wintrip, was diagnosed with severe heart valve disease (aortic stenosis) late last year. A keen cyclist, Ian had noticed he was running out of steam early on the bike, but put it down to signs of ageing and learned to live with the new capabilities. Eventually, though, he knew something was up and went to see his GP.

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16 April 2020

The global COVID-19 crisis has put an enormous strain on the UK health system which faces the battle of limiting the spread of Coronavirus whilst also providing the treatment and care that will save lives. As a result of this, the UK healthcare system is having to change the way it works and what they prioritise, impacting patients presenting with many conditions, including heart valve disease. 

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