Marina McGrath Completes 190 mile Heart Month Walk

Published On: 29 February 2024Categories: News

In a testament to her determination, Marina McGrath, a passionate advocate for Heart Valve Voice, marked the end of her remarkable fundraising walk today, leaving a trail of inspiration in her wake. The conclusion of Marina’s journey not only marks her personal triumph but is also a symbol of the power of positive ageing and life after heart valve disease treatment. 

Throughout Heart Month, Marina has been tirelessly pounding the pavement across England with unwavering dedication, all in support of the Heart Valve Voice, a charity she holds dear to her. She completed her 180-mile journey on Wednesday afternoon, taking her from her home in Sale to Royal Brompton Hospital in London, where she received her life-saving treatment in 2021.

Reflecting on Marina’s extraordinary feat, Wil Woan, Executive Director of Heart Valve Voice, said, “Marina’s journey embodies the very essence of positive ageing and the power of life after treatment. Her commitment to our cause is truly inspiring, and her efforts will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on our mission to raise awareness and support those affected by heart valve disease. The completion of her first of 10 challenges is just the start, and we can’t wait to see how her new valve disease journey continues.”

Marina’s journey not only served as a personal challenge but also an inspiration for many patients just starting their heart valve disease journey. Along the way, she garnered widespread support from friends, family, and well-wishers, rallying behind her cause with steadfast solidarity.

Among those who have witnessed Marina’s remarkable journey firsthand is Mr Toufan Bahrami, the surgeon who played a pivotal role in Marina’s treatment. Mr Bahrami said, “Marina’s determination is truly awe-inspiring. Her courage serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and I do not doubt that her efforts will inspire countless others to face their challenges with determination and resolve.”

As Marina’s fundraising walk draws to a close, her journey is far from over. With every step she took, Marina not only raised vital funds for heart valve disease awareness but also symbolised the hope for future patients embarking on their pathway to recovery.

This walk is just the first step of her Marinathon to mark her 70th birthday, and next up, Marina will be scaling the 02 Dome in London. If you’re in a position to support her fundraising challenge, please donate today and help her reach her goal of £5000!

Marina said, “What a journey! I won’t say it wasn’t hard work, and it was a true test of my mental and physical strength, but I’m proud to have completed my walk and thank everyone who supported me both out on the pavements and emotionally! I’m delighted to finish my first challenge and looking forward to the O2 Walk in March. Thanks to everyone who has donated so far, and if you haven’t and can spare a few bob, please do – it’s for a great cause!”

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