Heart Valve Voice turns FIVE YEARS OLD!

Published On: 13 November 2019Categories: News

Heart Valve Voice has joined forces with PCR London Valve to celebrate their Five year anniversary and have launched their Five Years On Report.

We want to thank everybody for their continued support of Heart Valve Voice and all the work that has been accompanied in the awareness, detection and treatment of heart valve disease. The five year report shows all our accomplishment from the Gold Standard report and implementation of guidelines in the NHS 10 year plan to the annual bike ride from London to EuroPCR, Paris.

As well as the expansion of our patient community. We are proud of all the hard work that all our patients’ have contributed over these past five years in the form of stories, parliament visits, and attending conferences.

We also want to thank the help from clinicians and healthcare professionals from every aspect of the patient pathway. Their expertise, knowledge and time has been a great source of advice for our reports and all the resources that we provide for patients and clinicians alike.

The Five Year report sets forward Heart Valve Voice’s aims for the next five years to keep us moving forward in implementing the awareness of heart valve disease. Heart Valve Voice CEO Wil Woan said “Thanks to the generosity of an ever-increasing number of supporters, collaborators and clinicians, we have come a long way in our first five years. We have raised awareness both at home and abroad, bringing our message to all levels of the policy and implementation landscape.”

Looking back over everything we’ve achieved in the last five years, it deserves to be highlighted that as patient advocates in the heart valve disease sector, our relationship with the medtech industry is as important as our partnership with the medical profession and the healthcare system. We base this relationship upon the ethos of innovation, information and independence and we are grateful for all their support financially and through the volunteering hours their staff offer.

If you want to know then click here to read more for the five year report.

Wil's Blog - Community Detection
Wil's thoughts on the first five years

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