Heart Valve Voice Supporter Raises Over £4000 Through Rowing Challenge

Published On: 8 February 2023Categories: News

In December, Heart Valve Voice supporter Del challenged himself to row the distance from Brighton to London and back to raise awareness of heart valve disease and raise money for Heart Valve Voice.

Throughout the month, every day, he took to his rowing machine to put in the hard work to reach his goal. Along with his friend, Phill Read, and his colleagues, they encouraged people to sponsor him and help support Heart Valve Voice.

Through his Just Giving page, charitable buckets and donations from work,  Del raised over £4000 for Heart Valve Voice. That money will help us raise awareness of this common, serious, but treatable condition and help support patients as they navigate their heart valve disease journey.

Del’s challenge was inspired by his friend’s heart valve disease experience. Phill said, “In 2019, at the age of 42, I collapsed at home and was rushed to hospital. I was told I’d had a heart attack, and my life changed from that moment. After three days in the hospital and many tests, I still didn’t know what was wrong. After more checks, I was told I had a leaking mitral heart valve and atrial fibrillation, where your heart jumps out of rhythm.

I then had to wait over a year for heart surgery, and while waiting, I collapsed again at home. I then had heart surgery at Brighton Hospital, where my mitral valve was repaired. My family have been fantastic and have kept me going. I want to raise more awareness of heart valve disease, which is a serious but treatable condition.

Thank you to everyone who supported Del and his rowing challenge; you will be making a HUGE difference to Heart Valve Voice. Your funds will help reach more people and save lives.”

There’s still time to support Del’s challenge, click here if you would like to donate.

Heart Valve Voice Executive Director Wil Woan said, “I would like to thank Del on behalf of everyone at Heart Valve Voice for his extraordinary effort and his dedication to helping others. These funds will help us promote awareness of heart valve disease and save lives. Fundraising challenges like this are essential for charities like ours, so If you’re reading this and would like to get involved, email info@heartvalvevoice.com and a member of the team will support you!”

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