2808, 2019

Alan Holmes: My Mechanical Valve Story

28 August 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Mitral Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

It was during a company health check in 2000 that Alan discovered he had a heart murmur. After being told it wasn’t serious it was left alone until 2010 when Alan started to receive an annual ECG (echocardiogram) to check on the progress of the disease. Due to his leaky valves, this resulted in Alan’s heart becoming enlarged which could only be resolved through surgery. In 2016, Alan underwent open heart surgery and received a mechanical valve for both his mitral and aortic valve. After being told in 2000 that a heart murmur was detected it wasn’t until 2010 that [...]

3007, 2019

Nicola Doherty’s Heart Valve Disease Story

30 July 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories|

Nicola Doherty, a working mother of a young son, was unaware of any issues with her heart. After a visit to the doctor’s office for what she thought was a simple chest infection, a stethoscope exam revealed that she had a heart murmur. At the age of 45, she was eventually diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis and received an aortic valve replacement. Nicola had not experienced any of the tell tale symptoms of heart valve disease such as breathlessness and chest pains and had no idea that there was something wrong with her heart. Nicola and her husband James spent [...]

1006, 2019

Norma Brickle’s Heart Valve Disease

10 June 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI, Tissue Valve|

Norma Brickle was diagnosed in 2001 with a massive aortic aneurysm which had also distorted her aortic valve. A replacement valve was inserted as part of the aneurysm repair, which was done by open heart surgery. Norma was told she would likely need a replacement valve in the future, with the hope that a procedure would be available that could access the valve through an artery rather than through further open heart surgery. Seventeen years later Norma required a new aortic valve, and luckily technology had advanced in her favour and she was able to receive her new valve via [...]

205, 2019

David Eaton’s Heart Valve Disease Story

2 May 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Endocarditis, Patient Stories|

When David Eaton’s life and career were suddenly placed in jeopardy by a mystery illness and painful headaches, he never thought that his heart might be the cause. Unknown to him, his aortic valve had been under stealthy attack from bacteria, caused by a condition called endocarditis. An injury sustained thirty years ago to his lower jaw was most probably to blame and as a result of the infection David underwent an aortic valve replacement. Since working for the iconic Vogue magazine as a young man, David Eaton (63) has made a career out of the design and production of [...]

1303, 2019

Alison Banayoti’s Heart Valve Disease Story

13 March 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Patient Stories|

Days before being admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital in London, Alison Banayoti was walking her dogs as she does everyday and thinking about her impending surgery. Fourteen years after being diagnosed with aortic and bicuspid heart valve disease, she was finally getting the treatment that she had been waiting to receive. In 2005, at the age of 45, Alison was diagnosed with heart valve disease after she experienced what she referred to as a “funny turn.” At the time she was a busy mum chasing after a toddler and was worried when she began to experience what can only be [...]

401, 2019

Sandra Holder’s Heart Valve Disease Story

4 January 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

Sandra Holder’s job in retail meant she was on her feet for much of her day, so it wasn’t a surprise when she started to experience swollen ankles and feet. It wasn’t until she was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis and was told that she was at high risk of heart failure within two years if she was not treated, that she realised it was something she should have paid more attention to. Sandra’s story serves as a warning for others of the importance of having your heart checked regularly. Sandra Holder’s full time job as supervisor of several clothing [...]

1412, 2018

P.J. Brien’s Heart Valve Disease Story

14 December 2018|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

P.J. (Patrick) Brien, didn’t think he had anything wrong with his heart, after all, he had no red flag symptoms like tiredness, dizziness or chest pains. However with a family history of heart problems and some breathlessness that he put down to the dusty conditions at work. P.J.’s wife suspected something was wrong. Her caution was warranted and most likely saved his life as it was later determined that his aortic valve would need replacing. In 2005 at the age of 62, P.J. had no idea that there was an issue with his heart. A slight dryness in his throat [...]

1212, 2018

Valerie Gabriel’s Heart Valve Story

12 December 2018|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories|

Valerie simply thought she was going in for routine knee surgery. However, when she attended her pre-op she found out that there may be more than she originally bargained for when it was recommended she go for a cardiogram. Not long after, in 2014 Val was diagnosed with heart valve disease. Before she was scheduled for knee surgery, Val had considered her life quite normal for someone in her early 70’s. She had always managed to stay fairly fit and felt quite happy with the way things were going. She did however sometimes find herself feeling breathless during her usual [...]

2310, 2018

Bill Dean’s Heart Valve Disease Story

23 October 2018|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories|

Bill Dean from Mold, North Wales, isn't your typical 77 year old. Bill spends most of his free time in the mountains of Snowdonia as a Mountain Rescue Volunteer, a job he’s been proud to do for the past 50 years. However, a number of years ago Bill worried he wouldn’t be able to continue with his volunteer work when he started to get breathless walking uphill, until an aortic heart valve replacement in 2015 made sure he was back on the mountains feeling better than ever. Bill has worked alongside many other volunteers, some of whom are paramedics, on [...]

808, 2018

Mike Addelman’s Heart Valve Disease Story

8 August 2018|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

It was a chance query to his GP to see a rheumatologist that led to an eventual diagnosis of heart valve disease for 53 year old Mike Addelman of Manchester. An avid cyclist and runner, the diagnosis was certainly a surprise but Mike is grateful for a lucky visit to have his spine checked and the doctor’s keen sense that something wasn’t right. Mike, first and foremost father to son Jake and husband to wife Sarah is a university press officer and formerly a journalist and nurse. Mike’s passions are music and fitness particularly running and cycling and someone who [...]

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