1511, 2021

Joan Welsby’s Heart Valve Disease Story

15 November 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve|

In 2016, just months before her 60th birthday, Operating Department Practitioner at Wigan Infirmary, Joan, realised that her health was deteriorating, and she was unable to do the everyday activities that she had been. Realising something was up, she went to her GP, who heard a murmur. A subsequent echo revealed she had severe aortic stenosis, and required urgent intervention. This is her valve disease story. “Three months before my 60th birthday, I visited my GP, prompted by a little niggle I had. I had become unable to swim my usual 30 minutes without a rest. I worked 30 hours [...]

1808, 2021

Phillip Warlow’s Aortic Stenosis Story

18 August 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

After beginning to feel breathless in 2018, Phillip Warlow was diagnosed with aortic stenosis in April 2019. With his condition deteriorating, Phillip required early intervention and received a tissue valve at Morriston Hospital, Swansea. Since being treated, Phillip is back enjoying life with his grandson, welcomed a new granddaughter into the world and now supports Heart Valve Voice to raise awareness of the disease. This is his story: "My story began in early 2018 when I found that if I walked any distance I was experiencing shortness of breath. In truth, I never really took much notice as when I [...]

2807, 2021

Christian Nielsen’s Aortic Valve Story

28 July 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In May 2021 Christian Nielsen's murmur was detected at a routine medical check up for a visa application. After just welcoming their second child into the world, Christian's life was turned on it's head, and after receiving further tests it was found that he required urgent surgical intervention. With the support of his family, his medical team, and Heart Valve Voice, Christian faced the challenge head on, and is now recovering at home with his family. This is his story: "It was a beautiful sunny day, 6th May 2021, when I biked to a routine medical check for a visa [...]

1407, 2021

Christopher Saul’s Aortic Stenosis Story

14 July 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

After suffering a cardiac arrest at his GP surgery three years ago, Christopher Saul was diagnosed with aortic stenosis, and given regular echos to monitor his condition. In February 2020 his aortic stenosis had deteriorated, and he required urgent intervention. After his treatment was delayed due to Covid, Christopher eventually received his new valve in October 2020. This is his story: “My story starts six years ago when I suffered a heart attack. I was a taxi driver, and one day my arms started to feel really heavy. I went to the chemist that evening to get some aspirin, and [...]

1305, 2021

Martyn O’Connors Covid-19 Valve Disease Story

13 May 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

Martyn O'Connor first had valve disease surgery to replace his aortic valve 11 years ago. After his valve began to deteriorate, urgent intervention was required, and thanks to the excellent team at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, he was able to receive his life-saving treatment, and was discharged in a matter of days. This is his valve disease story: "This part of my story starts about 11 years ago when I had open-heart surgery to replace my aortic valve. Since then, I've obviously always been aware of heart valve disease, but it had never really impacted my life after my original surgery. [...]

1105, 2021

Sandra McGonigle’s Aortic Stenosis Story

11 May 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

In April 2020, nurse Sandra McGonigle was diagnosed with aortic stenosis with a bicuspid valve. After her health deteriorated, she was rushed through for surgery in February 2021, where she had open-heart surgery to replace her valve. This is her valve disease story: "I found out I had heart valve disease last April. I had some chest pain in December 2019, and I think at the time I put it down to the stress of Christmas and work - and having bitten off a bit more than I could chew. I went to the doctor, who heard a murmur and [...]

2602, 2021

Maisie Weir’s Heart Valve Disease Story

26 February 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

During the first national lockdown in 2020, Maisie Weir noticed herself getting breathless while walking in the Yorkshire hills with her friend. After being urged to see her doctor by her friend and her husband, Iain, Maisie was diagnosed with severe aortic valve stenosis and told she required urgent intervention. In January 2021, and despite the pressures COVID placed on the health service, Maisie received her life-saving treatment. This is her story: "My story started in February of last year when my entire family were really unwell. I had this constant, dry cough after, and it never really went away. [...]

1202, 2021

Jonathan Toms: My COVID-19 Valve Disease Story

12 February 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In 2020, during the first national lockdown, Jonathan Toms, 44, began to feel out of breath while out walking with his friend. Just a few months later, Jonathan was struggling to tie his shoe laces and, after a trip to A&E, was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Thanks to the Mr Bahrami, the team at Royal Brompton and his wife, Julie, and two sons, Charlie and Alfie, Jonathan received his life saving valve disease treatment and is now on the road to recovery. This is his story: "My story started last year during the first lockdown when I noticed I was [...]

2901, 2021

Derrick Johns’ Aortic Stenosis Story

29 January 2021|Categories: Aortic Valve, Mechanical Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

In 2019, 57-year-old Derrick Johns found out he had a heart murmur. After further tests, he was diagnosed with aortic stenosis with a bicuspid aortic valve. A keen cyclist, Derrick had experienced no symptoms. However, his valve disease began to deteriorate, and he required urgent intervention. Despite the pressure COVID-19 has placed on the health service and delays to his surgery, Derrick received has now recieved life-saving treatment and is now looking forward to the rest of his life. "It was a week before Christmas 2019 that my story really began. During a routine screening with an occupational doctor, I [...]

708, 2020

Gary Russel: My preparation for Open-Heart surgery

7 August 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

Gary Russel is a 52-year-old Civil Servant from London. After being diagnosed with heart valve disease in his twenties at a medical to join the Police Force, his valve disease story went on for two decades before he was treated in 2013. Here is his story: "My story started in 1994 when I was at an assessment centre to join the police force. I'd passed everything, and then at the end, there was a medical. The force doctor gave me a check-over and said I had an irregular heartbeat. He thought maybe it was tension on the day, but referred [...]

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