Patient Stories

806, 2020

Jim Gibson: My Mitral Valve Disease Story

8 June 2020|Categories: Patient Stories|

At the very height of the COVID-19 outbreak former military man and lifelong adventurer, Jim Gibson was admitted to hospital with decompensated heart failure. Despite the pressures exerted on our NHS by COVID-19, and thanks to the work Dr Robert Smith and his team at Harefield Hospital, Jim was able to receive an innovative treatment that clips the mitral valve, and in a few short days was discharged home to be with his loving family. Here is Jim's story: "I've had problems with my ticker for a long time, and I love an adventure, but even for me, this was [...]

1305, 2020

Elizabeth Slough: My tissue valve replacement story

13 May 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, Tissue Valve|

Elizabeth Slough is a retired member of Brighton's Alzheimer's Society, where she worked in the Carer's Support Department. Liz is an outgoing personality, a dedicated volunteer and a brilliant advert for the power of positive ageing. She has two married stepdaughters and a sister, who shared her heart valve disease story with her. Here is Liz's story. "I am, by nature, outgoing. I enjoy gardening, crafts, cinema, and theatre - I love to be entertained!! I love my allotment and go there as much as I can, you have to wrestle me away from it - especially when it's sunny. [...]

2804, 2020

George Clague: My treatment during the COVID19 crisis story

28 April 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

At the very height of the country’s response to the COVID19 outbreak, George became unwell and was rushed to hospital unaware that the heart valve disease symptoms he was suffering were life-threatening. Retired factory worker George Clague has lived in the beautiful shadow of the Lake District for his entire life. In his youth, he would spend his time camping in his favourite spots and later in life, he and his wife would spend the summer wandering along the trails “It’s really hard to say when I first realised something was up. Part of me thinks it was when my [...]

1804, 2020

Ian Wintrip: My Aortic Stenosis Story

18 April 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories, TAVI|

Dental Surgeon, Ian Wintrip, was diagnosed with severe heart valve disease (aortic stenosis) late last year. A keen cyclist, Ian had noticed he was running out of steam early on the bike, but put it down to signs of ageing and learned to live with the new capabilities. Eventually, though, he knew something was up and went to see his GP. This is his heart valve disease story: "I first noticed that things weren’t quite right through my cycling when I was on a particularly hilly trip I would run out of steam early. Early on I put this down [...]

1404, 2020

Roger Black

14 April 2020|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories|

Roger Black was diagnosed with an unidentified murmur whilst at school. Now, after a career which saw him win Silver Medals at the Olympics and Gold medals at The World Championships, Roger is beginning to think more about his heart valve disease story. "The doctor heard a murmur during a routine health check at school when I was eleven. They referred me for more tests which showed that I had aortic valve disease. Instinctively, I was confused and worried. I didn’t know what aortic valve disease was and wasn’t sure how it would affect my future hopes and dreams. Initially, [...]

2403, 2020

Ian Brown: My Endocarditis Story

24 March 2020|Categories: Endocarditis, Patient Stories|

Ian Brown, a 52-year-old football fanatic and avid fisherman, has been married to his beloved wife Kay for 28 years. Together with daughters Emma and Sophie, they faced his heart valve disease challenge by finding strength in unity and family. Their story begins in the year 2000. “I was diagnosed with bacterial endocarditis in February 2000 after feeling unwell for several weeks. I was only 32 at the time but had been suffering from a high temperature, shortness of breath, general aches and severe bouts of sweating. Sometimes that sweating was so bad my wife had to change the bedsheets [...]

1001, 2020

Lisa Condley: My Endocarditis Story

10 January 2020|Categories: Endocarditis, Mechanical Valve, Mitral Valve, Patient Stories|

During March of 2017 Lisa was receiving physiotherapy for her Achilles Tendinitis and started experiencing symptoms of joint pains in her elbow and knees. The physiotherapist suggested that she go to her GP for a check up. Blood works were done and an inflammation was noted however nothing was done about it. The symptoms of joint pain were having an impact on Lisa’s job as a cleaner and a small task of walking to the bus stop was becoming more difficult. Due to the persistences of the symptoms, more tests were conducted in May. She was referred to a rheumatologist [...]

2711, 2019

Rob Turner: My Aortic Stenosis Story

27 November 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

Since retiring proud grandad of nine Rob Turner has been an avid explorer of the UK and an intrepid traveller of Europe. Rob had heart a heart murmur over ten years ago during a routine GP check. However, in July 2016 during a subsequent check he was referred for an echocardiogram, where it was discovered that he had aortic stenosis. Within the space of just six months, Rob’s aortic stenosis had gone from moderate to severe. Rob had never heard of heart valve disease, only remembering the ECG referral from a decade ago, which led to no further treatment. Having [...]

710, 2019

Daniel Colgan: My Aortic Valve Replacement Story

7 October 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories|

Daniel Colgan was first diagnosed as a teenager with heart valve disease. The disease was discovered by accident when he was in hospital for an unrelated sport injury. Fast forward a decade and after being asymptomatic for most of his life. Suddenly Daniel started to experience new symptoms and went down hill dramatically. After being told that due to his age he would receive a mechanical valve and have to be on warfarin for the rest of his life. Daniel started looking into other treatment option as he didn’t want to give up his adventurous lifestyle. Working as a designer [...]

1709, 2019

David Blair: My Aortic Valve Replacement Story

17 September 2019|Categories: Aortic Valve, Patient Stories|

David Blair believed he was at the top of his health when he got diagnosed with heart valve disease. He had simply put his symptoms down to getting older. Whilst training to complete the difficult cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats in ten days. David attended a routine check up at his GP in the summer of 2018 and was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Now a year on, David is back on the bike with a new energy and ready to complete the challenge of cycling across the UK. Being an active guy from Northern Ireland, David has always [...]

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