2106, 2016

Jan Darby’s Story

21 June 2016|Categories: Mitral Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

Jan’s treatment pathway for her mitral and tricuspid valve disease was delayed due to misdiagnosis. Her poignant story demonstrates why Heart Valve Voice works tirelessly to raise awareness of heart valve disease, and the improved quality of life that treatment can offer. At the age of 40, I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME), and my life came to a halt. I was no longer able to work as a teacher, or continue as a Guiding and Brownies leader. Over the next 20 years my mobility deteriorated, and became so poor that I was eventually forced to use a mobility [...]

2312, 2015

Kevin Hey: My Post Surgery Story

23 December 2015|Categories: Minimally Invasive Surgery, Mitral Valve, Patient Stories|

In the final entry of the trio, we hear how Kevin managed during his recovery and post-treatment pathway. After 18 years of living with mitral valve disease, how was life with a valve replacement? My operation lasted for about seven hours and I was now lying peacefully in the cardiac intensive care unit. I had no pain, all my body parts seemed to be in place and I couldn’t hear any clicking of an artificial valve. I had tubing and wires attached through various holes, and the only thing missing to complete the image of Frankenstein was a bolt through [...]

1612, 2015

Kevin Hey: My Treatment Options Story

16 December 2015|Categories: Minimally Invasive Surgery, Mitral Valve, Patient Stories|

After living with mitral valve disease for 18 years, Kevin was treated at the Lancashire Cardiac Centre. This is the second of three posts about Kevin’s experience. In this entry, he writes in detail about his experience of the preparation process before surgery. I had to undergo a couple of final tests, and the week before the operation I attended a last consultation, this time at the Cardiac Centre in Blackpool. I had another long chat with the consultant and we agreed that in the first instance, he would attempt to repair my mitral valve, but that if this was [...]

1112, 2015

Kevin Hey: My Diagnosis Story

11 December 2015|Categories: Minimally Invasive Surgery, Mitral Valve, Patient Stories|

Kevin was treated for mitral valve disease in 2014, having been diagnosed 18 years prior! Here, in the first of three entries, he writes in detail about his experience of diagnosis and living with heart valve disease. In 1996, I visited my GP with a recurrent chest infection. During the course of the physical examination, a heart murmur was detected, and an echocardiogram revealed that I had a leaking mitral valve. The leak was causing ‘trivial’ regurgitation of blood from the heart, and from that moment, I would be subject to annual examination. In fact, my leak was a superb [...]

104, 2015

Tim Powell: My Repair Story

1 April 2015|Categories: Mitral Valve, Open Heart Surgery, Patient Stories|

Every two years, I undergo health screening. In previous years, I have been ranked as very fit and at much lower than average risk of developing cardiovascular disease or diabetes. However, on my most recent screening, I received the shock of my life when the GP said “You know you have a heart murmur, don’t you?” This was the moment when I was first diagnosed with mitral valve disease. I am 51 years old and work full time as a patent attorney (a professional with a particular expertise in the field of intellectual property). I’m married to Pam, and together [...]

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