17 July 2017

As a consultant at Guy’s & St Thomas’s Hospital in London heart valve voice chairman, Chris Young treats heart valve patients every day as part of his job. However, when recently faced with having to see his two year old granddaughter, Connie, go through her own heart valve surgery he has seen the disease and what patients go through in a different light.

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07 November 2016

Heart Valve Voice held a successful launch of its Vision Report in Parliament on Tuesday 1st November.

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26 May 2016

New survey data highlights that 94% of the over 60s in the UK do not know what aortic stenosis is, and less than 3% say heart valve disease is the condition that gives them significant concern compared to other illnesses. This is despite annual mortality of untreated and severe aortic stenosis being considerably higher than most cancers* and approximately 1 million people over 65 years of age are thought to suffer from heart valve disease in the UK. Additionally, 72% of over 60s reported that they rarely, or never, have their hearts listened to by a doctor.

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29 February 2016

​Heart Valve Voice, the UK charity for raising awareness of heart valve disease, has appointed a new Chair of Trustees.

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04 November 2015

Guidance highlights that auscultation with a stethoscope is essential to detect murmurs associated with heart disease Heart Valve Voice recommends that GPs use the stethoscope routinely on over 65s at the time of the flu jab, NHS Health Checks and new patient registrations. Heart Valve Voice calls for NICE Guidelines on heart valve disease and funding for auscultation of over-65s in order to improve diagnosis, referral and treatment of the disease.

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01 June 2015

British Society of Echocardiography supports Heart Valve Voice’s aim to tackle the under-diagnosis, under-referral and under-treatment of heart valve disease in the UK.

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