19 November 2020

COVID-19 has placed a huge strain on the NHS and led to the delay of thousands of appointments and heart valve disease treatments. But behind every number is a story, and this is the story of the family of Patient 146. All individual's identities have been kept anonymous.

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18 November 2020

COVID-19 has placed a huge strain on the NHS and led to the delay of thousands of appointments and heart valve disease treatments. But behind every number is a story, and this is the story of Patient 753. All patient's identities have been kept anonymous.

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17 November 2020

COVID-19 has placed a huge strain on the NHS and led to the delay of thousands of appointments and heart valve disease treatments. But behind every number is a story, and this is the story of Patient 564. All patient's identities have been kept anonymous.

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23 October 2020

Angie's valve disease story started when she was a small girl after she was born with a hole in her heart. Fast forward 40 years and Angie's leaky valve began to deteriorate. After being told she needed an operation, a pandemic stopped the world in its tracks. However, despite the pressures on the health service, thanks to the brilliant work of the team at Harefield, Angie was able to receive her life-saving treatment.

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19 October 2020

Across the country, COVID-19 infections continue to rise, and as the infection rates rise, so too do hospital admissions and, sadly, deaths. As we move forward in this second wave of COVID-19 response, we must learn from the first wave. For most people suffering from heart valve disease, the consequences of not being treated far outweigh the risk of contracting COVID-19 whilst in hospital. Therefore, the first lesson we should take from the first wave is to continue to treat heart valve disease patients in a timely and safe way. 

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24 September 2020

Yesterday, Scottish Parliament held a debate on an Early Day Motion brought forward by David Stewart MSP on Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week 2020.

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14 September 2020

Today marks the start of Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week 2020, a week where our partners on the Global Heart Hubs’ Valve Disease Patient Council come together to raise awareness of this common, serious, but treatable condition.

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11 September 2020

Birmingham MP, Steve McCabe was diagnosed with heart valve disease eight years ago. As with many heart valve disease patients he had not experienced any obvious symptoms.

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11 August 2020

Today, Heart Valve Voice launch our Virtual Appointment Guide for valve disease patients. The guide was created in response to the reduction of in-person services due to COVID-19 and will help foster the same comfort and confidence patients feel when they meet their clinician.

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07 August 2020

Gary Russel is a 52-year-old Civil Servant from London. After being diagnosed with heart valve disease in his twenties at a medical to join the Police Force, his valve disease story went on for two decades before he was treated in 2013.

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